
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Blog - a tool for online learning

Blogs can be used by teachers in three main capacities:
1. Teachers send out information to students and parents.
2. Students use blogs to learn/present a particular topic.
3. Teachers post and students respond.

I have learned by incorporating blogs into a unit, the lesson itself, creates more critical thinking and creativity for students. By having students create blogs, they get to  "own it".   
Teachers can lead a discussion by posting a comment and directing students to respond.  Many great conversations can be attributed to blogging.  It gives the student a chance to reflect, view the comment numerous times, and post a response.  Many times in a classroom the conversation is only with a few and the time is lost.  Blogging is different because everyone has a chance to reflect and respond.  Some students may be shy and contribute more through blogging.  Blogging can be a great way to differentiate a lesson.   I say, "knock the walls down and let them create!" 
Teachers can use a blog to send out information to students and parents.  At this point, I'm not sure I would use a blog to deliver information to students and parents.  I think blogs suit their purpose most effectively with teachers posting a leading comment and students creating their own blogs.

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